Test yourself against some of Penshurst’s smartest and best-looking people at our weekly Trivia Night! Win pub bucks & more.
Register from 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
Test yourself against some of Penshurst’s smartest and best-looking people at our weekly Trivia Night! Win pub bucks & more.
Register from 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
Drop in for knock-off beers…$6.90 Local Schooners! Monday to Saturday, 4pm until 6pm.
New to the Penshurst Hotel! Live Music every week, featuring a host of local talent.
Good news! We’re pouring $7 VB schooners all day every day in February!
Plus…sign up to our VB Footy Tipping Comp for your chance to win $7,000!!!
Every Monday, all day long. $1 Pool. Ripper!
Our bistro is cooking up a storm 7 days a week and putting out some amazing specials. Drop in for our everyday $18 Lunch Specials and our cracking Nightly Dinner Specials.
Check them out HERE
Pop into the Penshurst and win yourself a bundle! Every Wednesday & Friday from 7pm we’re running our Jackpot Draws.
Follow us on Facebook for weekly prize amounts!
Join us every Friday arvo as we partake in perhaps one of Australia’s finest cultural traditions – the legendary Meat Tray Raffle.
Tickets on sale from 5pm.